Security has truly gone mainstream. From late night television jokes to state governors not knowing how technology works, as a profession and a vocation, we have arrived. Jimmy Fallon has…
In the adage “people, process, technology” the technology comes last in the list for a reason as it is only as good as the people and processes that surround and…
Over the past 18 months, the way we work has changed including within the security field. On this episode of The Great Security Debate, Dan, Brian and Erik dig into…
A recent visit by US companies to the White House sparked a debate between Dan, Brian and Erik about how to improve security. Was the result useful to the cause,…
If you want to check out the new video edition of the podcast, please go to: where you can subscribe, give thumbs up and ring bells like YouTubers have…
Get notified in an email every time a new episode of The Great Security Debate drops, or when we announce in-person episode recordings (coming soon)! Sign up for our newsletter:…
Recently a lot of newsworthy security incidents have taken place. A common thread through many is not that they were sophisticated or required lots of time to plan and execute,…
A wide range of cause and effect discussion in this week’s episode. What happens when a cellphone gets compromised for one purpose and has unrelated, follow-on consequences? Will there be…
The news of the week includes discussion about some changes to Amazon’s home devices including Echo and Ring with the activation of their Sidewalk Network on all those devices by…